Archive for cold

Incarnation 1.04: The Ice Age [video]

Posted in incarnations, love through the ages, time, videos with tags , , , , , , , , , on 2012-06-16 by Your First Lover

some of us survived through the cold eons, and began to rebuild.

Incarnation 1.04: the ice age

Posted in incarnations, love through the ages, time with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on 2009-01-27 by Your First Lover

how three little one-syllable words could make us feel so alone. could render our hearts so bitter and brittle; so cold and cracked. how did we get here? was it a force of nature? or something we did to ourselves?

we tried so hard to keep warm through those frigid years. the tundra stretched out for miles, as far as the eye could see. the permafrost crept up through our feet, into our veins, all the way to our hearts, and slowed our pulses almost to nothing.

we hibernated. time seemed to pass so so slowly. sometimes i don’t know if we were awake or asleep. everything seemed like a chilly waking dream; a hypothermic nightmare.

we stayed closed together to keep warm, to remind each other that we were still alive; to be with someone else: we hated being alone. nothing is worse than being alone in the ice age.

everything around us died. our friends, they went extinct.

you forced me to keep going. you told me that if i froze, then i could no longer keep you warm, and you would die too. i cried out nothing to no one. there was no one left to listen, nothing left to say.

we shivered and shivered, and there were times when we wished we had frozen to death as well. but somehow love kept us alive, kept us going through the harshest sub-zero. sometimes i think that was a blessing. other times i think it was a curse. i get confused over what keeps me going more; the hot love or the cold anger.

i thought the sun would never rise again.

but it was just the beginning.

Incarnation 1.04: The Ice Age